Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Ahhhh.....It's Tuesday evening and after a full three days of Safari, visiting a church service in Rwamagana, and seeing the Rwamagana Lutheran School I must say I speak for all of us as we are completely exhausted! It's so nice to be back in Kigali where it feels like the Solace Ministries Center has been a "home" to us.

I have much to update you all on! Saturday we took off from Kigali early in the "green machine," which is Pastor John and Robin's green toyota land cruiser to Akagera National Park in the eastern part of Rwanda. Me, being the park ranger in the group; I was stoked to see how parks are run here in Rwanda! We started off our adventure at the visitor center and grabbed a tour guide to come along with us on our tour. Immediately we were all introduced to a quite aggressive, biting, annoying fly which by the end I think we killed over 100 Tsetse flies! The whole safari it felt like we were being attacked by these little buggers and every time Robin stopped the car to look at a bird we were all in the back fighting for our skin not to be bitten to death!

I must say this was awesome! I've been on the typical Safari ride at Animal Kingdom in Disneyworld and hands down this was the real deal! We saw all kinds of amazing birds, zebras, Impalas, a giraffe, and after praying for several days for seeing an elephant we finally spotted one near the last leg of the trip!!!

It's amazing to see the diverse wildlife that Rwanda has to offer and of course I had to get a ranger's perspective on a different countries National Park! I must say I'm very impressed although you would never see me in a campground here! Instead of worrying about bears in the states I think there's an even bigger worry about pesky baboons coming out to steal your food!

After a long day on safari we spent the night in a beautiful convent in Kibungo. I instantly thought of the Sound of Music and Pastor Annabelle and I started singing the songs from the movie! A quiet place for the evening it was nice to settle into our accommodations and get a much deserved sleep for the night!

Genesis 1:20

~ And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

Genesis 1:21

~ And God created the great sea-monsters, and every living creature that moveth, wherewith the waters swarmed, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good.

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