Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Lutheran Worship in Kibungo

Life, energy, dancing, singing, praying and drums! What a beautiful worship service that we attended in the village of Kibungo at the Lutheran Church! The children got up in front of the small congregation and praised the Lord with their amazing music and dancing! It was so hard to sit still and even though the whole service was spoken in Rwandan, we still found a great connection with all the words being spoken.

I think we were all moved at how people here are so passionate about worship. It was such a wonderful blessing.

We felt that way after the service; but on the way from the convent en route to the church God had a different plan for us. I don't know if the green machine had had enough of the group of us singing the songs from The Sound of Music or not but we were in store for a fun experience! About a mile out from the church the green machine got a flat tire and we were the talk of the village. Everyone in the area that could see what had happened decided to walk over and see if we needed help! The hospitality in this country is simply amazing. Everyone helps each other out and there is no hesitation of it!

After church we were invited into the home of one of the church members for a traditional Rwandan meal. What a blessing to be welcomed by everyone and we sat together and shared stories about life and faith.

After dinner we had an amazing treat to see a traditional Rwandan Dance group! We ended up going to the Rwamaganda Lutheran School and what an talented group of people! Kids, adults and teens coming together to share a bit of their culture with us!

Psalm 105
Sing to him, sing praises to him, Tell him about the amazing things he has done.

Psalm 149
Let them praise him by dancing and playing their tambourines and harps.

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