Monday, June 15, 2015

Coffee in hand, bags packed and sitting waiting for the shuttle to the airport; my nerves are starting to set in. We are about to meet the rest of our team and start what will be an inspiring, humbling, and amazing experience overseas. Although I've watched and researched a bit of the history of the country, I am very much in awe of what we will experience and how we will share our faith stories.

How do you define mission in your life?

The bible verse that comes to mind for me is the great commission. The old lutheran hymn is one of my favorites and when we sing it in church I sing it proudly. I really feel like God is working in my life for all sorts of missions. My daily job consists of helping people on a regular basis. For those of you who don't know me, I am a National Park Ranger up on skyline drive. Not only do I protect people and resources on a daily basis, but I am also tasked with being a wild land fire fighter as well an EMT/medic. Problem solving is a reality for me daily.

As we begin this adventure, I ask God to bless us with safe flights (the first one I am most nervous of, 13 hours), and the second won't be so bad of I think about 3 at the most. I also ask God to give me an open heart, mind, and guidance. I leave you with this....

Matthew 28: verse 19

~Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

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