Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Welcome to Rwanda!

Good Evening from Kigali Rwanda!

After about 24 hours of traveling we finally arrived this afternoon at the airport in Rwanda. We began our travels yesterday morning in Washington D.C. and traveled 12.5 hours to Ethiopia; and from there another flight of 2 hours took us to Kigali!

We have met up with Robin Strickler and settled into our hotel for the evening. After a day of travel it was nice to walk down "Embassy Row" where we saw the Egyptian, South African, USA and various other countries embassies.

Kigali is a busy city, and people travel many different ways; car, foot and motorcycle are the obvious ways. We also observed people building roads and there are developments all over. Jean mentioned how much the city has grown since she was last here 4 years ago!

We were able to learn a bit about the Rwandan culture and in the last 10 years through the development of schools; children are now attending secondary school at 56% which is significantly higher than 15% 10 years ago. There are also growing businesses, and the economy is getting stronger. It's amazing to see a road being built next to our hotel out of red dirt that used to be full of potholes.

As I look above my bed I see a rolled up mosquito net which reminds me that I need to remember to take care of myself and my team members. Bottled water is a must here to make sure that we all stay healthy.

This evening we had an amazing meal of beefsteak, broccoli, rice, potatoes and for dessert was a fresh fruit salad.

It's been a long day and we have all been through world of emotions but day by day God is teaching me to be patient. As I unwrap my mosquito net, I am ready to turn in for the evening but I will sign off with this:

Hebrews 12; verse 1

      "Therefore let us also, seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run the race that is set before us."


  1. glad you arrived safely...prayers

  2. Kelly, the blog is great! Very informative and I love the pictures! And, I'm glad everyone has arrived safely and are settling in. I'm looking forward to more posts!
    Praying for everyone.
