Friday, June 19, 2015


What is poverty?
From wikipedia ~ is general scarcity or dearth, or the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money.

This was the topic of our day. Poverty in american terms means material possessions, lack of money, and lack of food or water.

When taken into the context of someone suffering from poverty it means that they are embarrassed to be in society, are not of social and economic status; and they feel ashamed in the community.

Today we went to the community of Nyange where Pastor John has been working on helping the people to communicate better to figure out their needs. The biggest need this small village has is the need to build new roofs on approximately 30 homes. Together they have learned how to make clay tiles that will go on the rooftops of the homes. It takes approximately 2,500 tiles to build the roofs. To make the tiles, clay will go onto a board and then flattened out. Once flattened it will go on the mold of the banana leaf to be made into a tile. Once formed it will sit in the sun approximately 3 to 4 days to dry. The next process is for it to be fired in the oven.

The community has completed 1 roof so far, and are continuing to move on with the next until all 30 have been completed! They are excited and confident!

What a wonderful sight to be shown the finished product and the process of how to make the tiles!

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